Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gita Jayanti

The fight with maya
"Gurudeva ki jaya ho!
Govindajiki jaya ho!
Tulasi-deviki jaya ho!
we are expressing our hope
that they will have victory.
The victory of one party automatically implies
defeat of the opposing party.
He who is conquered is captured and imprisoned by the victor
having come under his full control,
is bound to carry out his every order.

The heart and mind of a conditioned soul
are in battle with Sri Hari, 
and all transcendental personalities.
A conditioned soul who aspires to be a devotee
laments his condition and prays,
'My uncontrolled heart and mind are like demons,
and therefore I have no desire to serve Krsna,
and Vaisnavas.'

Gurudeva ki jaya!
'O Gurudeva, 
please conquer my rebellious heart and mind
that they have no choice but to obey your every command.
O Gurudeva,
having conquered my heart, do as you please with me.
Make me your servant;
make me yours.'"

from Gopi Gita - ch. 1

Special thanks to the boys at Bhaktabandhav.com who sang Gita so beautifully this morning!